Apply to the 2025 Willoughby ArtsFest!

The applications to the 34th Annual Willoughby ArtsFest are now live!

Food Vendors: Click Here for the downloadable/printable PDF application to complete and either mail or email back to apply

Artists: Click Here for the downloadable/printable PDF application to complete and either mail or email back to apply or you can submit your application by completing the form below.

Artist Application 2025

"*" indicates required fields

Artist Name:*
As it will appear in all promotions
Entry Fees:*
Non-refundable Jury Fee - $20. You will be invoiced $20 when your application is received. You will be invoiced your Booth Space Fee upon acceptance into the ArtsFest.
Preferred Booth Location (pick one):*
Have you participated in the Willoughby ArtsFest before?*
**PLEASE NOTE: While the ArtsFest planning committee will make every effort to accommodate specific artist booth requests, a request for the same booth space does not guarantee that artist will be assigned that booth. Because of the variances in the number of artists that apply, the number of artists in each category and the changes in the booth layout from show to show, we will assign artists booths on a first come, first served basis.
Fine Art Categories:*
Choose ONLY ONE, your selected category will be the basis for judging
Example: $25 - $100
Artists must submit three (3) high quality digital photos (800 x 600 pixels, JPEGs or PDF files) depicting their finest NEW WORK (2024-25) to be exhibited and one (1) photo of currrent display booth.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 1 MB, Max. files: 4.
    A short step-by-step explanation of the artistic process you perform in creating your art, no autobiographies. Please indicate what, if any, materials or aspects are not created by your hands.
    You can pay via either credit card or by mailing separate checks (1 for the $20 jury fee and 1 for the $200 booth fee) made payable to WWLCC ArtsFest to the Willoughby Western Lake County Chamber of Commerce 28 Public Square, Willoughby, OH 44094.
    Please Note: Credit Card payments will be charged the full $220 upon receipt of all required information and refunded $200 via check if you're not selected to be a part of this year's ArtsFest.

    Entry Requirements

    • Artists must submit three (3) high quality digital photos (800 x 600 pixels, JPEGs or PDF files) depicting their finest NEW WORK (2024-25) to be exhibited and one (1) photo of currrent display booth. Digital photos can be submitted on disc/drive by mail to the Chamber office with the application or electronically by email to: Artist and Company Name MUST appear on the disc/drive or in the email that contains the digital photo files.
    • Artist agrees that, if accepted, submitted photos (with name included) may be used in promoting the event on social media, print advertisements, or the Willoughby ArtsFest website:
    • A short step-by-step explanation of the artistic process you perform in creating your art, no autobiographies. Please indicate what, if any, materials or aspects are not created by your hands.
    • Failure to follow the above criteria will result in submitted work NOT being considered.
    • Exhibitors are responsible for their own setup, tables, chairs, tents, etc. ArtsFest will be held rain or please be prepared. City of Willoughby officials have the right to cancel the event due to safety issues without advanced notice.
    • Click here to view the full Artist Terms and Conditions.
    I hereby submit this application for space at the 2025 Willoughby Western Lake County Chamber of Commerce ArtsFest, to be held on Saturday, July 19, 2025. I have read and agree to all application information, and verify that the artwork shown in my photos are my own work or design. I also agree to waive all claims against the Willoughby Western Lake County Chamber of Commerce, the City of Willoughby, the ArtsFest committee, members, volunteers and others associated with the event for any loss or damages. Submitting this application further attests that I have carefully read, accept, and agree to abide by all of the Artist Terms & Conditions that are part of this application.

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    Fill out the link provided to receive updates about the Willoughby ArtsFest!